As the beginning of the school year comes creeping (or bounding) on us, it can be hard to keep our heads above water. After a summer of relaxing, spending time with family, and dabbling in some school work, jumping back into the classroom can be difficult. Over the summer, we tend to forget what the beginning of the school year really feels like. If we are being totally honest, it can be exhausting and stressful. How do we combat this stress? Here are seven ways to stay sane at the beginning of the year.
#1 Organize for a Better Tomorrow
Keeping your sanity can become immensely easier when you are organized. Being organized at the beginning of the year with a system you have thought through will save you from a paper tornado hitting your desk.
In order to get and stay organized, think about the everyday activities that create chaos and have an organizational system for them. For example, you should have an organizing system for:
- Your leader rotation
- Literacy centers or simple centers around your room
- Lining up and leaving the room
- Turning in assignments
- Log-in information
Another piece that you should have ready in your room at the start of the year is a classroom binder. Your classroom binder should have need to know information in it to help you keep information like class lists, parent contact information, seating arrangements, and more, on hand.
#2 Plan for the Unplanned
Another way to keep your sanity on the first days of school is to plan for the unplanned. You never know when one of your kids is going to get sick or there is going to be some kind of family emergency. Having your lesson plans on hand in your room will be a great help. In addition to having your lesson plans ready and accessible, you should also have fast finisher worksheets around as well. By having this fast finisher work around, you will ensure your students are getting extra practice even if it’s not what you exactly had in mind.
When we are gone unexpectedly, it can be hard to come up with enough stuff for a full day. Having something extra for your students to do that is still beneficial will make for an easier day for your substitute. If your sub has a good day, you’ll have a better day when you get back with less of a mess to clean up.
Another great way to ensure you have a plan for the unplanned is to have a sub binder ready. Being prepared for the unplanned is a great way to start the year because it takes away the “What ifs” that can creep up on you.
#3 Your Treasure Chest
On a less serious note, you should always have a treasure chest to keep yourself sane. Just like Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds had a bunch of little trinkets to make her happy, you should have a treasure chest too.
This treasure chest can hold anything from snacks to pictures of your family. Anything that makes you smile when times are hard can go into this magical little spot in your desk. It will be a lifesaver on those overly stressful days, so make sure you have one!
#4 Prioritize
Prioritizing what needs to get done right now is another way to make sure you stay sane as you start the school year. When you prioritize what needs to be done, you are getting everything done in a timely manner.
I have found the best way to prioritize is through the tried and true “To do” list method. Having a prioritized list helps keep me on track when I do have time to myself (which isn’t often). It also helps me stay focused so I can get home and be a mom. If I do have to take work home, I know what needs to be done and what can wait until tomorrow.
#5 Up Tonight, Gone Tomorrow
Along with prioritizing is taking care of yourself. Self-care is something we tend to forget about when the school year starts. Keep in mind if you are up all night, you may have to be gone tomorrow. Germs love weakened targets. If you aren’t taking care of yourself and getting enough sleep throughout the week, you will most likely get sick. We all know it is easier to be at school than it is to be gone!
Try to give yourself a bedtime or a “done time.” If you decide to give yourself a “done time,” make sure you stick to it and stop working at the specified time. Taking care of yourself is vital to keeping yourself sane no matter what part of the school year you are in.
#6 Do You Have To?
One of the best ways to keep yourself sane at the being of the school year is delegating what you don’t have to do. There are so many things that we have to do, but there is plenty we don’t have to do too. If your students can help you with a project, take some time out of the day to allow them to help. For example, have them help you hang up those art projects or cut out letters.
In addition to delegating duties to students, make sure you are using your classroom aide well if you have one. I’m not saying give them all of the work, but you can have them help you with little things like making copies or helping change the calendar. Taking little things off of your plate will make your school year run much smoother.
#7 You’re a Rock Star
Finally, the best thing you can do keep yourself sane is remember you are a rock star. You walk into a room of little fans who are ready to hang on your every word. Remember to shine like the star you are and just enjoy the year.
The beginning of the school year can be a taxing time for everyone. Keeping yourself organized and taking care of yourself throughout the school year will help turn a scary first few weeks into one that is at least somewhat tranquil.