“Anything is possible if you try. Dreams are made possible if you try,” said Terry Fox, the inspiration for the world’s largest one-day fundraiser for Cancer research. As teachers, helping our kiddos believe in themselves is as important as teaching academics. And so, when it’s time for our annual Terry Fox Day Run at school, I love using lots of activities to inspire my students.

Introduce Terry Fox to Your Students
Even though the Terry Fox Run started as a Canadian tradition, it has now spread throughout the world as a way to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. But, it’s the man who started it all who is an inspiration for millions worldwide.
I always love starting a unit with a book, so when I found the picture book Terry Fox and Me written by Mary Beth Leatherdale, I knew I had found a jewel. It’s a beautifully written and illustrated book about the life and legacy of Terry written from the perspective of his best friend Doug.
There is even a YouTube read-aloud you can show to your students.
After enjoying our read-aloud, we take some time for discussion. I always love hearing how inspired my students feel after learning about the challenges Terry faced.
With some background knowledge in hand, students can learn more with a reading comprehension activity. It provides students with lots of facts and details about Terry while also working on important reading skills.
Terry Fox and Geography
In addition to discussing how Terry Fox overcame the challenge of running as an amputee and inspiring millions, I also take time to show my students the route he planned to take as he ran across Canada. It’s the perfect way to hit some of your geography standards with this unit.
Terry’s Marathon of hope was supposed to take him from one end of Canada to the other.
While he ultimately was unable to complete the entire run, his journey of 5373.6 kilometers (3339 miles) is truly inspiring.
Using a worksheet with dates, locations, and miles run, students can map out Terry’s run on a map.
You can even use the map and route as a way to track your school’s progress toward donation goals.
A Canadian Hero
I love talking with my students about what it means to be a hero.
Most students will mention superheroes from famous movies or popular tv shows. But, it’s important for them to know about real-life heroes as well.
After taking time to discuss the characteristics of heroes, we relate that to what we have learned about Terry Fox.
Using worksheets, students can show their learning by answering in-depth questions and completing a graphic organizer. It’s a great addition to our study as my students learn about this incredible Canadian hero.
Finish up your Terry Fox study with an interactive trifold activity that helps to summarize all students learned.
So Many Fun Activities
Looking for even more fun and engaging activities to help your students learn about Terry Fox? Grab these activities and more all in one no-prep pack. The Terry Fox & Marathon of Hope Canadian Hero Worksheets set includes 30 pages of printable activities your kiddos will love! And, the best part is… 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this resource go to the Terry Fox Cancer Foundation. Grab it in the Stop and Smell the Crayons TPT store today!
Looking for More Canadian Holiday Activities?
Check out these blog posts and resources for more fun and engaging activities that help to meet Canadian education standards.
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Be sure to save these fun and engaging activities to your favorite teacher Pinterest board so you and your students can learn all about Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope!