As the beginning of the school year comes creeping (or bounding) on us, it can be hard to keep our heads above water. After a summer of relaxing, spending time with family, and dabbling in some school work, jumping back into the classroom can be difficult. Over the summer, we tend to forget what the beginning of the school year really feels like. If we are being totally honest, it can be ... Read More about 7 Ways to Stay Sane at the Beginning of the Year
STEMulating Math for Fast Finishers
Imagine (or think back) to that moment when you thought this math worksheet was going to take 20 minutes. When all of a sudden you have students coming up 10 minutes later claiming they're “done.” Like any teacher would, you probably looked over their work and were mildly surprised when they were, in fact, done. As you look around your classroom, you see several students are still working but now ... Read More about STEMulating Math for Fast Finishers
5 Morning Motivators for Students
You are running around the classroom trying to get everything ready for the day while you listen to a student’s story about his/her birthday party. The bell rings and you realize that you need a few more minutes. Or, maybe you’re ready to go but your students are literally dragging themselves into the classroom and it’s not a case of the Mondays. What do you do to get students motivated and ready ... Read More about 5 Morning Motivators for Students
Fun STEM Curriculum Unleashed: Exciting STEMulating Science!
Have science and math felt difficult to teach in your classroom lately? It can be hard to stir excitement among our students with these topics! I've been there, and it can be really frustrating. If you find yourself stuck in a bit of a teaching rut too, no worries. I've got some awesome tricks up my sleeves to help you flip the script! Get ready because I'm about to show you how to unleash ... Read More about Fun STEM Curriculum Unleashed: Exciting STEMulating Science!
I want to quit teaching
Why do teachers quit teaching even though they love their jobs? Teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs (in my humble opinion). On the flip side, it is a job that can make you sprint to a liquor store like a blue light special at Kmart. It can be conflicting. I wanted to write a blog about how sad, disappointed, frustrated and disheartened I am with our current education ... Read More about I want to quit teaching
Printable Post-It Notes are my Jam
You have probably found and are reading this post because you want to know how to make printable post-it notes and learn how to customize post-it notes for your needs. You have come to the right place! I want to start off this post with the following disclaimer: I am an office supply nerd. It's ok. I admit it. I own it. Shopping in an office supply store, for me, is what I imagine ... Read More about Printable Post-It Notes are my Jam