Canadian coins money worksheets are the perfect way to teach the value of coins along with skills like addition and subtraction of money. This print and go, NO-PREP resource covers Ontario Math standards for money.
These worksheets INCLUDE the penny (even though it is not used in daily currency – when teaching children to count money they do need to be aware of the “value” a penny has and the place it holds when rounding to the nearest 5) and students still will come into contact with pennies from time to time.
Included in this resource:
- ✅ Posters of each coin to display and help students with the names/values of coins
- ✅ Worksheets to review names/values of each coin up to a toonie
- ✅ Differentiating between coins and counting how many
- ✅ Counting by 5’s (nickels) to $1.00
- ✅ Counting by 1’s (pennies) to $1.00
- ✅ Counting by 10’s (dimes) to $1.00
- ✅ Counting by 25’s (quarters) to $1.00
- ✅ Counting mixed sets of coins to $1.00
- ✅ Grouping coins to make counting easier
- ✅ Counting on from a fixed amount of money and continuing the count
- ✅ Making a set of coins in a variety of ways
- ✅ Identifying what coins are needed to make a set amount
- ✅ Adding money amounts to $1.00
- ✅ Subtracting money amounts from $1.00
- ✅ “Shopping” at a store – if you have X amount of money and spend X how much do you have left
- ✅ Determining if you have enough to “buy” certain objects
- ✅ Determine the missing amount of a coin when given a set of coins and an amount
- ✅ Color in coins you need to “purchase” items
- ✅Draw coins needed to make a set
- ✅Match an amount to a set of coins
- ✅Read the money words to determine the amount of money you have
Copyright © Laura Merritt – Stop and Smell the Crayons (Tpt) All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. See product file for clip-art and font credits.
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